Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Save Mazaalai?

Mazaalai - Gobi bear is the most rear animal in rare and extinct animals listing in Mongolia.
Mongolia has unique ecosystem, that is a mixture of Semi-desert, extreme waether changes, and severely cold winters. There are many animals existing today, that have vanished from all around the world.

One of the biggest reasons of the extinction of the Gobi bear, is rapid growth of mining in Mongolia. There are dozens of western companies exploiting the landscape, which once was only inhabited by wildlife and nomadic people.

This rapid change has left little room for the rare flora and fauna to recover. Mining sites are left open bare, exporing the arctic nature to desertification, water pollution.

Mashka save Mazaalai foundation supports recovery of natural habitat by reforestation projects, by educating local communities, and acting as commmunicator to raise awareness over sustainable development and growth in Mongolia.

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